I’m Battle for Wesnoth, after clearing a map it showed a statistic about how lucky you’d been in your dice rolls. Which really meant how often you’d rerun dice rolls by saving and loading. When it said something like “370% above average luck”, I realized that, oh shit, the game knows?!
That’s what’s shown for Rainbow 6.
No, so try to keep it short.
Oh yes, I agree! I provided an example of a TikTok campaign in a later comment. It’s not the source that’s the problem, it’s that everyone is trying to manipulate (but the ones controlling the platform have way more feedback and control, of course).
Why do you have to be so angry and offended and why do you have to pretend you were given no evidence when i provided two examples? I didn’t say your mom was a nosy manipulative control freak, I said the Chinese government was!
Oh,… wait…
You know what? You’re right. I doubt that a control freak government would try to control anyone.
If you’re not aware by now that social networks are vectors for influencing people’s political opinions, you’re living in the wrong decade, amigo.
What ads do you mean? If it was a link to Twitter, I’d understand, but this is to Deutsche Welle.
And after that?
So how was your typing and such after playing them? Did they actually work?
Or a duck.