I feel like the Game Boy Camera was quite unique at the time, because not many people had cameras back then. Nowadays nearly everyone has access to a camera on smart devices that are in all likelihood significantly better quality than something Nintendo could affordably release as a peripheral. What benefit would there be to a Nintendo specific product?
It’s a cute idea but realistically I don’t see it happening. There’s nothing stopping you from making videos on your phone and playing around with some free/open source video editing software though!
I feel like the Game Boy Camera was quite unique at the time, because not many people had cameras back then. Nowadays nearly everyone has access to a camera on smart devices that are in all likelihood significantly better quality than something Nintendo could affordably release as a peripheral. What benefit would there be to a Nintendo specific product?
It’s a cute idea but realistically I don’t see it happening. There’s nothing stopping you from making videos on your phone and playing around with some free/open source video editing software though!