Back before they went “independent,” kind of. When Sears sent legal threats to take down a post exploiting an xss bug to make a joke about grilling babies, reddit had a big public discussion on it, and ultimately left the post up
Back before they went “independent,” kind of. When Sears sent legal threats to take down a post exploiting an xss bug to make a joke about grilling babies, reddit had a big public discussion on it, and ultimately left the post up
Gears 5 is still a tour de force of how to do a modern game. It’s got cosmetics, customization, an acceptable (but not great) story, decent PvP, and imo the absolute best PvE. Nothing has managed to dethrone horde in 5+ years
I’d still say the Gears franchise owns the shooter coop throne. Every game in the series supports at least 2 player, with 3 & judgement being 4 player, and 5 being 3 player. And they go out of their way to make coop different than regular campaigns too; there are several points, usually one in each level, where you have to split up
What do you think the closed beta was for? It was so they can get in and get on the moderator roster
Very large part of why I moved away to kagi. It just works.
Additionally, it’s system of weighting, instead of just a binary block, is very useful. Take fandom wikis for example. They’re awful, yes, but sometimes they’re the only result for a topic, and will do if needed. With a binary block list, you either see them or you don’t. With the weighted system, you can downrank them, so if better results show up, they appear higher in the listing than the downranked ones
Can I download their model and run it on my own hardware? No? Then they’re inferior to deepseek
I still reach for sass for a lot of things, but now you don’t have to, which is really nice
If it’s your first printer, the Bambu a1 will give you a ridiculous amount of bang for your buck. I’d highly recommend it
They’ve been censorious for over a decade. It’s just the old target was “acceptable” to most denizens of reddit and similar social media. Now that the censors are expanding their reach, we see umbrage? Come on now. This was inevitable