I watch a lot of boat building youtubes.
I watch a lot of boat building youtubes.
Quarter sawn means the grain is perpendicular to the face. There’s plenty of quarter sawn boards in the other methods. Rift sawn means the grain is at 45° to the face. I’ve heard “live sawn” called “slab sawn” that includes the heart and it cups like a bastard.
On the other side of the street is a Walmart full of pervy anime and Linux posts.
Persistence of Ears.
Marine fabricator, which sounds better than upholsterer. I specialize in canvas, making enclosures for boats.
Yes, you are right, that was overly harsh. I guess what I mean is it seems populated by one type of person. Where art and culture is science fiction and video games. I have a similar view of lemmy but tildes is even more so. And small as you say.
Tildes is sooooooo boring. That seems to be it’s shtick though, mostly very long comments by not very interesting people. I just went and had a gander for the first time in a while (very easy to forget about the place) and found 2 or 3 comments per post all many paragraphs long, except the Captain America thread that had quite the conversation with 60+ comments. I think even the people that like the place are bored there.
You’d be wrong. You can whip up blood pancakes!
Looks like linoleum lol
All of these make sense. All the others seem like crazy talk.
Those are extenuating circumstances. All allowances should be made for pregnant ladies. All other times I’m a lid down man. That time when I was drunk and squished my balls while sitting on the lid were my own damn fault.
I’ve never pissed on the lid while creeping sleepily to the loo in the middle of the night. I don’t see how people falling in toilets haven’t stubbed their toes clean off, walking around blindly all the time.
We have tattoos.
That’s like Arthur Dent’s girlfriend Fenchurch.
Oh? It works for me? Maybe it’s a sync hiccup.
If lemmy ever catches on ^doubt it’ll be a reddit fractal.
So we’re going to get a couple of jobs, but they’re going to be filled by
people already here.temporary foreign workers
I have a cat on my lap. My day is pretty much fucked.