Damn. If only there was a way that cars could pass each other.
Damn. If only there was a way that cars could pass each other.
Does the foreign vacuum work better? Is it more compact? Are the technologies it is built on protected by IP law? If it’s a cheap junk crescent wrench that I’ll use once because I need it only once, I’d rather not pay double for quality.
Do they? As much as we like to play it quiet, the US exports a lot of food globally- China gets some $17b worth. Those tend to be perishable, so any hot war would have to be over quickly for China to come outahead, and any protracted war would see them need a new breadbasket eother domestic (reducing the industrial/military work pool), or international (which comes with the same risks they have now over US ties).
Do we have any fun infographics to help educate those that aren’t autodidacts?
Fair 'nuff. I hadn’t really considered an alt account.
It isn’t really that odd, considering you’ve only been here a couple of weeks. Mutual Aid is a foundational idea in most if not all anarchist projects and theory.
There may be many scammers, yes, but the goal remains the same - get help to those who need it from those in a position to give it.
As for being part of the problem, I must disagree. Scammers aren’t leeching just this, they’d be present in any system purporting to help others (in gov’t systems this is called fraud), the goal of these grassroots aid projects is to help those who fall through the cracks of more formalized systems and decentralize some aid in case the church/NGO/gov’t can’t or won’t help (see the Hurricane Helene/Katrina responses when FEMA is overwhelmed).
Means-testing recipients is kinda a dick move anyway: those who have demonstrable need will have a harder time getting aid and time/money that should be spent helping are now spent with verification.
Just so. The periphery of the parks may be visited- a shared border between worlds where the most intrepid of both may briefly meet, but just as bears and raccoons are driven out of suburbs, so too should people be driven from the deeper parks.
As for the sanctity of life, it’s more of a balancing in my eyes. No life should be valued so as to cause undue stress to survivors. But I suppose my rather callous attitude is anathema to most.
Absolutely not.
Alas, I am but a blue collar shmuck without the patience to slog through theory nor the oratory skills to convincingly pass on what theory others share.
Yes? I’m not so optimistic about humans becoming interplanetary, but if it were to happen, I’d make noise to try and limit any human settlement. I’d argue that if humans want so badly to be off this rock, they can make space arcologies designed around themselves rather than inserting themselves where they ought not be and fucking up wherever they land.
Lessee… I suppose my hottest take is that no lives are sacred. I believe that human expansion into more ‘wild’ domains is a mistake and that national and state parks’ availability should be limited (geographically - you may not venture into the Deep Parks). This probably borders on some vaguely eco-fascy beliefs, and I recognize human’s inexorable curiousity and desire to explore, but you will never find me mourning a human victim of a wild animal.
I dunno, I like peace and quiet as much as the next curmudgeon, but the world is still better with kids in it.
I prefer to recieve emails. Not to judge your language, but because I cannae remember anything longer than maybe a ½ hour. Anything important for me must be able to be referenced later.
What would prevent the same happening in the next wave of rats jumping ship? They don’t know anything about the servers or their niches, so they pick whatever. Listing all the servers and their missions is a good start for those motivated to join, but for those more on the fence, how do we ease the transition?
What risks or other concerns come with eating blood instead of eggs?
Besides sourcing, I guess.
Ehh, for a bit Virginia tried enforcing them with aircraft.
It stopped because it was expensive, not because it was too authoritarian.
I enjoy me a good HoI 4. Less visceral, but I get to kill them by the company instead.
No, but their dedication to the program in spite of the current administration’s preference clearly puts them apart from companies such as John Deere and Target.
Are we channelling the FBI warning from old VHS tapes to get this message across?
I see a bunch of other Cool Zone Media shows, but not Molly Conger’s Weird Little Guys.
Her calm cadence and thorough exploration of specific American wingnuts is fun. And as far as I’ve seen, most of the stories end with the guy dead or in prison, so happy endings.
I dunno, I like going slow- that is to say near the limit- and will have people ride me the entire time in a passing zone or blaze past me in a double yellow.
Edit: It’s the best because I get to watch these same cars pull into the parking lot 500 yards down the road. Really saved them the extra fraction of a second.