How many fucking letters can I use? I’m sick of editing this shit, just fucking accept the bio, damn.
Conversation, mostly. By the time I quit reddit around two years ago, every top comment was a repost of a previous joke, or some predictable mutation of one.
Anything that went against the common preconceptions was shutdown immediately. I’m an expert/professional in a few niche subjects, and the final nail in the coffin for me was any comment I made turning into a fruitless debate with armchair experts too dumb to even understand why they were wrong, while correct info was downvoted to invisibilty.
None of this helps you crosspost, I’m aware.
A second hand drum kit will be more reliable than a second hand power washer, so you could get a washer with gift cards and then look for a good deal on a drum kit.
That being said, playing drums makes you more fun and interesting. Having a power washer makes you more likely to be asked to clean things.