You really want to make the game infinite, create smooth way for s player to travel between each chapter making the entire world one huge game
You really want to make the game infinite, create smooth way for s player to travel between each chapter making the entire world one huge game
Do it honey. Make em pay for suckin orange ass
Oddly enough that’s exactly what corporate wants. Mindless drones to do their bidding unquestioned
Cowardly sycophants giving their “divine” leader his wishes without question
Keep sitting on your hands and it will all just go away /s
Hate for his employees to suffer for his shitty actions but there it is
Of course they will.
Stick that seig arm out and well break more,k?
Blasting Nazis needs no reason
30 seems like only yesterday
His heart is in the right place but money has twisted his mind so much his heart had to go along with it to survive
I’ve been “owed” $25 by a now defunct telco for 40 years. Have had no luck getting it since all my own personal info has been changed half a dozen times over those years
Never had a problem dropping Jen.
Until someone publishes another one anyway
Ask yourself what a cow ever did to you and compare the two
They probably give it the side eye every time it comes up
Greed knows no limits where tech is concerned
A lifesized model should be the next version
People actually use that thing?