You can quickly set/remove a TDP limit on a Steam Deck whenever you want, though. Right?
Please feel free to correct my English.
The Lemming formerly known as /u/[email protected]
You can quickly set/remove a TDP limit on a Steam Deck whenever you want, though. Right?
Sure, but it’s still ironic. I’m not saying that it’s a bad thing to buy a Google device just to degoogle it, but I think that does fit the definition of irony.
In my experience, KDE Plasma is surprisingly actually better than Gnome for tablet use. You would think that Gnome’s more minimal and chunky UI would make it a better fit, but Plasma just has a lot more little usability QOL features.
From 2007
Yeah, it probably comes down to resistance. When you start to move the stick from the center, you have to work against a tiny bit of resistance. With a touchpad, there is absolutely no resistance to let you know when you are not at the center. As you say, that little rumble you get is not equivalent at all. Possibly an even more important type of resistance is how a joystick basically has its own physical boundary to limit how far you can push the stick in any direction. You can flick the stick as hard/fast as you want, and it will always stop at a certain point. On a touchpad, you don’t have that resistance, meaning you have to manually slow down and stop your finger as you reach the edge, or else it will just fly off the touchpad.
I had the same experience, by why is that??? On paper, it should have really felt the same.
Is that a positive or negative remark about the site? I genuinely can’t tell.
I have never really known the major differences between Mull and Iceraven. I keep them both installed, so I will probably be switching to Iceraven full-time now.
The allure of the potential for “security through obscurity” is great if you don’t know better.
What is this implying? That Fedora is a good balance between stable and bleeding edge?
At the moment. But the whole point of the article is that it’s coming soon.