What’s your setup for self hosting? Do you use a vps or host on your own network?
What’s your setup for self hosting? Do you use a vps or host on your own network?
I feel like I did at one point, but I should probably try again
Yeah I’m not super surprised… It used to work well when I bought it back in '17 but it’s become worse and worse with updates.
I’m not a home theater power user, but this is good info to make sure my setup is future proof for when I finally get a new TV. All these different standards get really confusing.
Idk if this is really true, I don’t what situations you need to use the command line in Ubuntu or Fedora that would affect more than 10% of users max. You install packages through the store, wifi can be managed through the gui, external drives mount automatically. Imo this should cover the use case for almost everyone.
Idk about Amsterdam, but in a lot of places half of a comparable rent might be his whole mortgage, depending on how long he’s owned the property.