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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: December 26th, 2023


  • But you’re still relying on companies to produce these parts for you and they’ll only do it so long as the market is big enough to make it worth it for them.

    Open source is definitely preferable, but at this point and time, their proprietary parts aren’t an issue at all as they’re cheap and readily available and with the popularity of these printers, I don’t see it being an issue for quite a long time. By then, I may have moved onto a new printer anyway since the market is constantly progressing.

  • Do it. I was in your shoes about a year ago and finally pulled the trigger on the X1C and haven’t regretted it once. My previous printer was like the ship of Thesius with upgrades and still failed all the time. I’ve got probably 700-800 hours on the X1C and have only had maybe half a dozen prints fail and only one repair needed which was covered under warranty. The only maintenance needed has been greasing the screws, which it kindly informs me to do when needed.