Vegan cat food? What the frak, poor cats.
We all have a choice. To stand, not kneel. To oppose, not obey. To live, not just exist
Vegan cat food? What the frak, poor cats.
Mumble, wire, etc
Matrix (element?) can do everything Discord does.
I don’t know why people trusted Discord, it’s one of the worst platforms and I say this while I use it because I had to settle for that (friends) like I had to settle for WhatsApp (family and work)
Irc was better for chat, ventilo and mumble better for audio, and matrix is pretty much the same but better. Discord sucks like Twitter did and I can’t wait for it to go away. And forums are a better platform for help and documentation.
Thank God I convinced my fiancee to move our VCs to Wire, away from WhatsApp and Discord.
Spain in this is close to any dictatorship. Basically some big companies (Movistar/O2 and digi for example) are blocking everything behind cloudflare when there is a football game because of piracy.
People have reported not being able to work, to access amazon and many other legit sites during games and all because a judge gave La Liga power to order the blocking of webpages without a judicial order, and of course since they can’t know the IP behind cloudflare sites they just block IPs from cloudflare.
And yet people keep pirating because we have VPNs, and new sites popup every time. No one wants to pay over 100€ monthly to watch football, specially when most people only watch 1 or 2 games per week.
What do you use now instead of cloudflare?
The selfhosting movement sets people free in general.
deleted by creator
Okay, give me a number and I’ll call you now.
You can do all that with KDE without using the terminal.
But, I won’t talk about software because even distributions have their own way to install them without terminal and there is flatpak from a corporate perspective you dont want users to install software on their own.
Users don’t even know how they organize their files, the difference between sharepoint, teams or onedrive. Of course they can’t use a terminal but they would never need to like users in windows don’t handle updates, their IT do.
but after a couple times you’re left with no choice but to let it run.
That would be an user issue then. If I have an update I’ll try to do it asap, if I can’t then end of my shift.
Embrace, extend, extinguish.
If the app did what op is claiming then the EU would have a field day fining google.
In floorp you can remove the workspace button from the top and disable them altogether I think.
A single death is a tragedy; A million deaths is a statistic.
Luigi killed a dad, husband, ceo, etc, etc etc.
Brian just inflated some numbers…
I hate how the world works.
Should he say: “I saw this documentary” or “I read this article”?
Microsoft LLM whatever the name is gives sources, or at least it did to me yesterday.
I never had a twitter account, not because of political beliefs but because the core of that social network is bullshit and the internet should be better than that.
It’s already bad enough that a lot of dry cat food in the market has grain (and the high cost of grainless alternatives) to even considering giving vegan food to a cat pffff.