More active on Bsky lately. Come check out the Starfleet Press Office!
That and the community is usually pretty solid. It is exceedingly rare for me to end up diving with someone who is a douchebag or not a team player. Everyone just wants to help everyone else and spread managed democracy. I tend to get on the mic and roleplay it up to help out for extra energy lol I’m the dude pulling Starship Trooper quotes out of his ass
Just play unranked with comms off when you just wanna chill??
The issue comes from the fact that any games with a ranked mode also have a perpetually fucked casual mode. They stopped doing anything with ‘skill based matchmaking’ and just lump you in with whoever is available. So you’ve got ranked players who are toxic as hell who go into casual to test things or just be dicks in the exact same lobby as people who are just wanting to vibe and play the game after a long day of work.
I’ve completely given up on any games that have any ranked modes in them at all because this shit always fucking happens. Casual gaming is being consistently abandoned by game developers for competetive modes. Locking out anyone who just wants to relax and play a game. Like I used this example elsewhere, but I have others. This just comes to mind to me because it bugs me. Yugioh Master Duel. You will NEVER find a casual game there. Everything is meta’d to hell. Why? Because ranked players use casual to test their stuff. Casual players then have to start acting like ranked players in order to even play. So if someone comes in and wants to play a casual game, you are going to get instantly cheesed by broken ranked decks.
It just happens constantly across everything. Ranked mode is introduced and it pushes all the casual players out and leaves hostile competetive bullshit.
It literally is for fun tho. You know, considering it is a game?
Are you implying that the only people who play ranked, or should play ranked, are competetive e-sports types?
Are those competetive people not having fun?
Moreover, I’m also talking about the fact that ranked has infected everything else. Even if you play casual, people are playing like it is ranked. Adding a ranked mode to so many games has just harbored a fucking insane toxic atmosphere where even if you’re just trying to play the game casually you’re getting swept up in so much meta garbage. One example that comes to mind is Yu-Gi-Oh: Master Duel. There is a casual gaming mode and you will never be able to actually casually game. Why? Because ranked people use it for testing their own shit. This same phenomenon is across all games with ranked. The toxicity and pressure from ranked will always find its way into casual and ruin that for everyone too.
I never ended up finishing the game from what I remember, although I came close. I was playing with my ex as well lol
I don’t really remember him learning anything but honestly? I think the wife is worse. They’re both awful people in different regards but the wife is just so fucking cold. The dad is a dope. Stay at home dad that clearly has ADHD that he can’t manage and isn’t really in the best position to be a good parent but is an excellent dad, if that makes sense. He takes care of his child and spends absurd amounts of time with her but the lessons that he should be teaching her are often just left on the wayside. He just wants to have fun with her and be a good dad, not a good parent. He will go out of his way to set things up for his wife to try and be kind to her. The wife on the other hand works all the time and doesn’t have much time for the family. That would be one thing but the time she does have she just refuses to use to engage with said family. She ignores the husband and the kid and just runs off to be on her own. The dad keeps mentioning this throughout the game, that she doesn’t spend any time with them. She will just go into her shed and start tinkering on things, actively ignoring her family.
From what I could tell, neither one learned a single fucking thing during the (majority) portion of the game I played. The self help book keeps trying to teach them lessons and both of them ignore it but the husband is often more receptive. He’ll question what’s being said and try to bring it up with his wife who just refuses to engage.
They both suck but the dad tries and spends time with his kid. The mom seems to just hate her husband and her kid.
Yeah. The most I’ll do with playing with other people is co-op. PvP is just exhausting now a days. Helldivers is good for filling that gap for me at least.
Yeah… the game is definitely a bit special.
Sure. Very very spoiler heavy below.
For a refresher, the core concept of the game is that a husband and wife are divorcing for a variety of reasons. Their daughter finds out and cries over a book asking her parents to get back together. The self help relationship book then comes to life, turns the parents into dolls, and guides them on a quest to be better for each other so they don’t split up. The parents aren’t happy with this and just look for ways to get back into their normal bodies. When they realize that their kid cried over the book, the dad assumes that tears are the answer based off of the books he reads with said kid. So they go into the kids bedroom, find the kids favorite stuffed animal (an elephant) and proceed to literally tear it apart while it begs for its life. Like screams and pleads for the parents to not tear it apart. I cannot emphasize enough that the toy came to life and started begging to not be killed but they do it anyway. You as the two players RIP IT APART. You tear off a leg and an ear (I believe) in the process. The kid finds the toy and is mortified and proceeds to start crying. It obviously doesn’t work and they’re still stuck as dolls. Parents feel bad but frankly not remotely bad enough.
Right? I understand what they were doing but DAMN.
Please, please. I can only get so erect!
I was doing it for the Legendary edition to be fair. I dunno if that makes a difference at all. I ended up just sticking with a couple of basic community patches, staying in casual outfits on the Citadel and such in ME1, and upscaled cutscenes. Anything more than that was just way too fuckin confusing.
Oh and adding back the same sex romance options in ME1 and 2. I had no idea that was an option but my gay ass is super happy to be able to romance Kaiden throughout all 3 games now. Time for a break from Cortez, my beloved.
I wouldn’t know. If we’re talking video game characters then I just wanna be the filling in a Ghost from Call of Duty and Bowser sandwich.
Well the one that I was thinking of specifically in that moment came with a wiki and a youtube guide on how to set it. I just balked. Like some fuckery sure, but that is just obscene.
I was so confused for so long here. I forgot that Men in Black were in Deus Ex. I was just like “How the hell does Tommy Lee Jones connect with this?!”
So I’m just an idiot.
Sounds about right.
She won’t leave me the fuck alone. I love her but today she has been super sooky and desperate for attention. Like coming in and out of the office every 10-15 minutes to meow, paw at me or suddenly jump on my shoulders while I’m in the chair. Strange as hell considering 2 weeks ago she just didn’t jump up on me at all. No idea what changed. I don’t mind the walking on me but I’d like 5 minutes of peace.
Fluent in English. I can understand/read most Quebecois French from classes when I was a kid but zero ability to speak it. I know more Russian or Greek than French. Otherwise it’s just languages that aren’t super useful like Klingon or Latin.
Haven’t been sleeping super well and my back is burning because of it. Stressed to high heaven about rent but luckily not awake enough for a panic attack yet
I am not and things are going poorly but I appreciate it <3
I can’t really speak for America outside of what I hear friends say but they seem fairly similar. I’m Canadian and it’s almost the same here as it is in Germany, with the exception of therapy. Psychiatrists are often covered by healthcare but have obscene wait times. Psychologists rarely are. There are some free intake ones and what have you but otherwise you’re paying.
America also seems similar to us in that regard too. Sometimes certain docs might be covered by your insurance but if so their wait times are insane. The ones who aren’t cost an arm and a leg. People like 35 and younger seem more open to talking about mental health issues than any of the older generations.