In the hypothetical where Concord was F2P it still would be competing against juggernauts like OW2 and now Marvel Rivals, but with a cast that is objectively not pleasing to the eye. It could still be alive but it would 100% not be thriving.
In the hypothetical where Concord was F2P it still would be competing against juggernauts like OW2 and now Marvel Rivals, but with a cast that is objectively not pleasing to the eye. It could still be alive but it would 100% not be thriving.
Vocally theres gonna be cracks as it deepens. It sucks, nothing to be done.
There will be at least one wet dream if not more, Hydrogen peroxide soak, then wash with OxiClean should rock those stains as both are recommended for ‘protein’. Wash cold.
Erections at random times will 100% happen. It’s expected.
Acne will happen, body is a wreck of hormones. Use a new pillowcase nightly, do skincare, should largely be fine. If it gets wild prescription stuff might be needed.
Thats all the big puberty stuff really, short of whether the quarterback or head cheerleader makes his pp into the big pp but thats a whole other discussion.
Seek psychiatric help. Sooner rather than later.
mfw someone makes r/paywalledwhatever then someone else mirrors it with r/unpaywalledwhatever
Senkaku Islands are the center of a dispute between Japan and China, both claim them, both have names for them. Wikipedia goes more in depth.
On google maps we get…
So it’s not like they can’t give stuff multiple names.
The incels want vaginas that cook them dinner, and the femcels want girlfriends… well the femcels on here anyhow
I for one am shocked.
Webp adaptation isnt there for the same reason ipv6 isn’t. Shit aint broke, so why fix it? We can scream til we’re blue in the face but C level duders aren’t gonna put up the scratch unless they have to.
My conjectures:
Musk: Trans kid who disowned him for being shitty so obvipusly it must be trans peoples fault and not his.
JKR: I firmly believe she’s selfhating in the closet trans. The equivalent to the homophobic pastor who eventually gets caught with the choir boy. We just haven’t seen the choirboy yet.
Zuck: Not transphobic, just a sociopath (at worst) who will go whatever way the wind blows.
Hence why the period of mourning would only be 10 minutes.
Hey now… for about 10 minutes a bunch of people with names like Groyper1488, IdFuckMyTeslaIfItHadATailpipe and BitcoinKing will be very upset.
When we were kids we had goldeneye or whatever and that was it barring a weekend rental from Blockbuster. Blockbuster is dead now. Netflix and online gaming killed it. Online gaming and Netflix/Youtube/etc. are like unlimited candy to a little kid. Yeah dad can limit them, or try to anyhow, but try limiting a alcoholic, see how that pans out. Even if they aren’t drinking they’re still gonna be in withdrawal and a pain to deal with. You won’t have to deal with him. Kiddos dad will.
If you want to do something for your nephew, get them an experience. Take them camping, or to a book store, gokarts, the science museum, something he can tell his buddies about later. Dad will appreciate time without them, kiddo experiences a non-teacher non-parent adult, which is rare for them.
My nephew gets books from me on xmas and birthdays, stuff I either read at his age, or that is just age appropriate. Later I’ll take him to a bookstore to let him pick what he wants, then we go get food. Sometimes what he wants, sometimes we go do stuff like get dumplings so he can try something new.
Companies can have shares in multiple ways. For example, voting and non-voting.
Alternately, a company can have shares that get more votes then others, so the owner of a company could, say, have 10% of shares, but those shares have 10x voting power. Thats how the WWE used to be before it was bought out.
“Lets allow this new fox into the hen house, surely he won’t be as bad as the last one!”
half vampire, half mortal. Always seemed kind of silly to me, since I always felt like vampire was more of a modifier then a race, but lore exists so vOv
Sounds like I’mma do a lot of daytime napping with my dhampir character.
There’s no Infiniminer 2 for him to crib ideas from though so hows that gonna work
Don’t forget to promote raid shadow legends, audible, a meal plan program, and some form of powdered caffeine you mix with water thats vaguely grape flavored
not shocking. streaming stuff like netflix was supposed to be the cheap, content filled ad free alternative to cable. increasingly its not cheap as line must go up, its not content filled as every network makes their own bullshit service, and its not ad free either.
I mean technically you can’t hack what isn’t there…