You seriously need to talk to people if you think that’s how people are. There are people with self-worth issues. There are people who don’t mourn their family. There are people who had body odor problems, and learned how to fix them, and will understand what you’re doing wrong and how to fix it with a sympathetic eye.
AI will respect you exactly as much as a rock will. It won’t. It won’t even know you’re there. There is no such thing as being less human than AI.
You are a part of people. You can pretend you’re not, but it’s only pretend. You’re better than that.
There are still things that can be done. Elon would really like it if you thought it was hopeless to stop him, because then you wouldn’t try. He is just a human. If enough people actually tried to stop him, he wouldn’t be able to resist.
For clarity, a lot of the things we can do to stop him aren’t strictly legal, especially with the law in the hands they are. Some of the ways that would work are ones I shouldn’t endorse in a public space. But we do still have options.