Yes it doesn’t really work for cooking or tasks where you need to be precise, but then snoozing wouldn’t work anyway since 10 min would be too long for most occasions. However you can use your assistant on your phone to set precise alarms. Just say “Hey Google/Siri set an alarm for 12 minuts for the pizza” and it should set an alarm instead of a timer.
I just have a few generic alarms on my phone i keep changing for whenever i need them. They dont repeat weekly on Android automatically so they are like single use. I also do also have weekly repeating timers for remembering stuff like trash bins or groceries delivery.
Is it filler or is it just the truth?
I truly see it as my biggest strength that my ADHD can make me do a weeks worth of tasks in a single day when needed, or the fact that i can hear the 3D printer crashing from acros the room, or catch the tiniest imperceptible changes to the sound and rhythm of a machine I’m working on because my focus is on everything all at once. It can take my colleagues days to figure something out that I catch immediately.