A furry Marxist-Leninist varmint
One time I had a hard drive that stopped working without even giving two weeks notice! I concluded the technology is useless.
I mean, all hard drives are expected to die.
Sorry about your photos though. My boomer dad made the same mistake.
The Allies avoided bombing specific factories in Nazi Germany in which US oligarchs owned equity.
A man collapsed at a restaurant that my sister worked at. Paramedics came to transport him but he was adamant that they leave. Ten minutes later he collapsed again, but this time he died.
I’d love to explain but unfortunately I have to return some video tapes.
If I were to ask to use a toilet in a different country my teacher would probably chuckle and tell me to simply use the one down the hall instead.
Rust naturally accumulates as the kernel oxidizes.
I’m a data hoarder so I already have done that.