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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • I don’t know if this is one of those situations where I should pick my battles and let it go. I feel they steal my free time.

    Getting along in work environments is always a matter of which battles to pick and which compromises to make. You will always have to make some. To my mind, starting your shift five minutes early is a pretty minor concession to not irk your colleagues and get on everyone’s shit-list. But…you can always search for a new place to work. Just bear in mind you may be walking into an even less compatible environment for yourself.

  • You have compassion for us Americans, and that’s nice, but bear in mind we voted for this. As much as the people who voted for Trump may have done so out of desperation, we still made a catastrophically stupid decision. Trump isn’t the problem, he’s a symptom. The problem lies in the American people. We have been squashed by both our government and our corporations. We need a wake-up call, and if that means we need to suffer from our own choices then so be it. Maybe we haven’t suffered enough yet. If we’re so dumb that we vote for a malignant narcissist like Donald Trump, maybe we need to be squashed a bit more. We have the power to take back our country, we just need the will to do it. Maybe that comes from more hardship and regret. Maybe that comes from more suffering.

    But maybe not. Maybe I’m wrong. I’m so disappointed with my own countrymen right now, maybe I’m not seeing things clearly. I don’t know. But I know we deserve what we voted for. The world doesn’t, and that’s a tragedy, but maybe America needs to take a hit and the world needs to rely less on us for both America and the world to be better. Again, I don’t know.

  • Your problem is you don’t understand what intrusive thoughts actually are.

    Everyone has thoughts that creep into their stream of consciousness in response to stressors and are experienced as stressful thoughts that reflect a person’s latent anxieties.

    Truly intrusive thoughts are thoughts that are injected into your stream of consciousness much more abruptly and reflect a psychotic problem in your brain. They’re often experienced as thoughts that aren’t your own and feel entirely alien to you in a way that the aforementioned thoughts do not. This can result in them being interpreted by the brain as “the CIA is projecting thoughts into my mind via a chip” to “I have a telepathic connection to God” depending on the mental illness in question.

    Do not confuse these two things. The former is a normal phenomenon that is not an indication of serious mental illness; the latter definitely is.

  • Pretty sure the common denominator is “owning the libs.”

    It’s not just liberals that are voting against their opposition more than they are voting for the political candidates they vote for; the other side is largely doing the same. That’s why American democracy is failing: we’re so disillusioned with our own parties that we’ve been reduced to voting for them just to keep the opposition from power. Hence, no matter how we vote, we’re dissatisfied, but we tell ourselves pretty stories to make it all right. The only real winners are corporations, which have all of these clowns in their pockets.

  • Amplifying the videos that show America’s response to antiracist movements would make America look like the racist country it is. Demoting them conceals that.

    No, that doesn’t make sense. Amplifying shows of division in a country promotes the view that said country is flawed and weak, in this case along racial lines. China has plenty to gain by showing that.

    And America is no less racist than China, btw. I would argue far less so.

    They were hired to help identify and amplify US state department narratives, same reason CNN and Fox hires them.

    That seems entirely speculative. There are plenty of other reasons to hire them. Can you provide evidence for your claim?