High level of religious and government mixing is when the dollar says “in god we trust”
Democracy is non-negotiable
High level of religious and government mixing is when the dollar says “in god we trust”
That’s just bad logic saying that all Americans all are immigrants. It implies that land is bound by blood and every modern immigrant everwhere would never be integrated into society, since they weren’t the original people there. Every society that has migrated would also receive this immigrant label, like the Hungarians and Bulgarians. There comes a point where the people who conquer lands become the people living there and not just immigrants.
These kinds of bad gotchas aren’t proving anything unless you seriously think they are only going for immigrants. They are racists. They use the term immigrant to refer to non-white people.
I can see where these things are coming, but it tries way too hard to use different terms for each side. Like Entrepreneur is definitely not the same as an Oligarch however one tries to twist it. Authoritarian - Law & Order comparison is a bit strange, since it would seem that you are implying that Authoritarianism to any kind of government. Every other term, hold Invasion, could have an asterisk attached to them.
If the threshold for “high danger” to secularism is religious imagery in governemnt issued things, then probably most of the world would be classified as “high danger.” This would, as you could guess, make the whole metric pointless against actual dangers.
Nitpicking these small things first instead of showing the big thing first, like you did, is counter productive. People aren’t affected by phrases in money, but they sure as hell will be affected by that in the article, so start with that.