LLMs, image generators like Stable Diffusion etc, and other of what’s come lately to be called “generative AI” should have no place on the Fediverse or anywhere else.
LLMs, image generators like Stable Diffusion etc, and other of what’s come lately to be called “generative AI” should have no place on the Fediverse or anywhere else.
Pewdiepie is a Nazi.
Nazis still deserve punches.
Yeah, more like “cringe deez nuts.”
Reverse-engineer it and build an unlimited-use portal gun, of course!
It’s almost as if the “aRtIfiCiAl iNtElLiGenCe” is as big a cult as blockchain is, isn’t it?
And Twitter hasn’t censored it yet. Maybe this will drive a wedge into Donlon’s bromance.
We all know it’s going to happen eventually. Remember Trunnon?
I was always one of the youngest in my class. My birthday is very late in the year. I also graduated high school a year early and entered college while I was still technically 16. I got the occasional joke/comment about not being able to drink until I was a senior in college.
Yeah, that’s fucked. With some serious reverse engineering and reimplementing, it sounds like it could be a pretty great product, but even if something like a FOSS implementation of the protocol StarVision uses or something like Valetudo but for the Vega existed, I wouldn’t feel right about patronizing a company that does that kind of shit.
the recommendations are very limited compared to actual YouTube app.
For me, that’s a feature, not a bug.
First off, be careful. Make sure you aren’t putting yourself in danger. Don’t talk to them. Talk to someone who can do something to protect you. HR if it’s a work thing or the police if it rises to that level. If in doubt, err on the side of caution. If something like HR or police aren’t an option, ghost them.
I hesitate to even go on. So let me reiterate. Aggressiveness is the kind of red flag you don’t want to take lightly.
All that said, if none of the above helps; if you’re talking about something other than fear for your personal safety (and again, please don’t let denial blind you here), then: don’t talk about their behavior. Talk about how you feel. Say that you feel nervous/on edge/scared when they behave in whatever way you’re alluding to.
This video is a good place to start: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pnmRYRRDbuw
Last I heard, Pewdiepie has been trying to pass it off as jokes, but if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck. (And whether or not he’s “a nazi” deep in his heart doesn’t matter. He’s doing and spreading naziism.)
My grandmother had an Apple IIe that I remember using as a little kid.
The first computer that was “mine” more than anyone else’s… I can’t remember the exact specs, but it ran Windows 3.11 and had an 80MB hard drive. I remember that much.
Linux doesn’t make up for being a nazi.
Good god. Blockchain bullshit on Hacker News. They’ve gone downhill.
Blaster Master was an underrated metroidvania. I’m a little bummed they didn’t mention that in the article.
Why do people say more people didn’t vote for Trump than did?
Because more people didn’t vote for Trump than did.
Trump got more of the popular vote in the U.S. in 2024 than any other candidate did, but he still didn’t get 50% of the vote. He got like 49.80% of the popular vote. And that isn’t even considering those who didn’t vote.
Don’t you agree that the statement this “question” is rhetorically making is false?
“Is a question?” is a question?
What would the “bot that finds bots larping as people” do exactly? Ban them? Block or mute them? File reports? DM an admin about them?
If it’s just for pointing out suspected LLM-generated material, I think humans would be better at that than bots would be, and could block, mute, or file reports as necessary.
Also, are you saying you intend to make a bot that posts LLM-generated drivel or a bot that detects LLM-generated drivel?