something being labeled a “disorder” doesn’t mean it’s “bad,” it just means it’s different from average
That’s until you start talking about “treatment”, at which point you’re discussing how to mitigate or correct the “disorder”.
And that gets you to Conversation Therapy, which is just medicalized torture.
The end game of “Transgenderism is a disorder” amounts to Gitmo for Trans People.
More likely the changes were made to improve the “saleability” of the website.
One of the promises of the internet was, supposedly, that it couldn’t really be monopolized because the barriers to entry were so low. But what we’ve seen is the influence of the Networking Effect as a means of consolidating user bases, combined with a cartel-style censorship that limits the degree to which word-of-mouth can influence a nascent community’s growth.
And now the AI comes to fully alienate us from each other, leaving even the more token communities with a “am I talking to a real person or a computer facsimile” lingering dread with each passing year.