This article made me really happy :)
Talk about humble beginnings!
This article made me really happy :)
Talk about humble beginnings!
That was kinda my thought, too
It’s Elite Dangerous! Play pancake mode until you get the hang of it. Once you have some experience, strap in-it’s a ton of fun!
Yep, Elite!
What exactly do you think the fencing/bushes/perimeter is supposed to be? Bollards?
This always bothered me as a kid.
I recently played HL1 and Black Mesa back to back. It was really fun :)
I was surprised that it wasn’t the fifth circuit, then my shock faded: the sixth administers Ohio, Kentucky and Tennessee, as well as Michigan.
A second vote for Black Mesa. I played HL1 and Black Mesa back to back, and BM was way more enjoyable!
If it makes you feel better, my husband and I met in an online game (while we lived across international borders,) fell in love, and began dating. The game also has VR, and we explored massive chunks of the Milky Way Galaxy over many months during the pandemic :)
We’re married now!
“regrettably bad weather” (Neptune missile)
Lots of good indie stuff, not much from AAA. My recommendation: try new single player or co op stuff. Stop recycling content.
Three years isn’t nearly long enough. Chrome needs to go, as does their dominance in search, android, YouTube and email. That cannot all be one company, under a giant advertising umbrella. Split them up into three companies. Chrome and advertising cannot stay together.
Aquariums and indoor gardening can be fun in winter! Both can grow plants. Get some white grow lights and a cabinet and they work quite well.
Larger aquariums appear to be easier to manage than small ones, if you pick that up. Things happen more slowly in larger aquariums since things are more diluted.
Skiing is really fun in winter, downhill mountain biking in summer is awesome. Getting your $35 GMRS license allows you to use the more powerful walkie talkies, which are nice for skiing and biking, but also have entire communities of their own, when I switched on my mountain radio in town and accidentally found a group doing radio-based trivia on an island 30 miles south of me. Kinda neat!