You will not be disappointed.
You will not be disappointed.
Learn Navajo and ancient Babylonian. Write everything in a custom pidgin of Mandarin, Navajo, and ancient Babylonian.
What if he dies via lightning strike?
Do you have car home or renter’s insurance? If so, when are you planning on setting fire to your home?
See: Clarence Thomas
Considering the insanely high domestic abuse rate among police officers, I wouldn’t be so sure about that.
If they really wanted to redeem themselves, they should public domain it, allowing anyone to make new Command and Conquer games.
deleted by creator
Protest outside his house.
Yeah, mutual aid works on the local level or in insular communities like long-term discord groups with a tight group of regular members. With community mutual aid, I’m generally in favor of just taking people at their word. If they say they need help, give them help. No need to interrogate them like the food stamp office will. You prevent people from abusing the system by simply not granting endless requests from the same person. Or if someone needs severe aid, at that point you can start actually verifying their story, helping them access government benefits, helping them find employment, etc.
But that kind of open approach works for in-person aid. It doesn’t work for anonymous online aid, where someone can use bots to spin up hundreds of convincing profiles each begging for money.
I just don’t think mutual aid works well in an online context. The only online context it works in is among communities like small discord groups where people know each other for years. But on a lemmy or mastadon-type service? Mutual aid is impractical. Any people asking for aid should be directed to local groups that can help them in person.
Yeah, there are indeed all sorts of weird hypothetical but possible scenarios out there. You might actually be a Boltzman brain and not even know it.
But I prefer to focus on what we can actually measure and observe. And we do know that consciousness ceases each night. Even if we count dreaming as consciousness, you conscious experiences is not a continuous thing. If “you” are simply your consciousness, then you die every night.
“You” is just a thought pattern, a bit of software if you want to use a crude metaphor. Your body and mind are just the substrate that runs that software. And in principle that same pattern could be run on a computer.
Who says you need physical continuity? Imagine I’m running a city simulator game. I save the file and send it to another computer. I open it up and start it again. Is it not the same simulated city? Sure, the hardware is different, but that matters little. It is not the hardware that defines the essence of my virtual city, but the information that describes the city model itself.
You could do the slow piecemeal upload process. But again, that scenario is just trying to preserve the illusion of the continuity of consciousness. Real human consciousness is interrupted daily. There’s no need to go to such great lengths just to preserve an illusion of continuity.
Each instance of our consciousness is a limited thing spun up for a limited time. This is as it always has been and always will be. This is simply your nature; there is no need to resist it. The fruit fly may as well lament its own limited existence, instead of dancing in the joy of its one living day.
If anything, this should encourage us to live life to the fullest. But also, to pass the torch with pride. You’re part of an seemingly endless line of you’s, and there will hopefully be many after you, today’s consciousness, has ceased to be. You’re part of a grand rely race stretching back thousands of times longer than your own consciousness. Make the goal each night to go to bed knowing you did your part, a worthy link in the great chain that is your existence. Go to sleep with peace knowing your later selves will manage things just fine. Close your eyes, and let the water take you.
I suppose that’s possible. I’m just going with the breaks we can actually verify with scientific evidence. What is known is that consciousness ceases for prolonged periods during the night. “You,” your consciousness, completely ceases in these periods, just like being put under anesthesia. You’re not awake. You’re not dreaming. You’re just gone.
They’re both you. Though the two you’s will quickly diverge as their experiences differ.
In the same way it is “you” that wakes up each morning. Their are periods of the sleep cycle where the mind is active and dreaming. There are other times when you are just gone, complete cessation of consciousness. In many ways, we live our lives as a series of discrete individuals, each life a single day in length. Each inheriting memories from the last.
Good morning Lemmy. Enjoy your one day of existence, and keep passing the torch.
Let’s bring more chaos to this process! At some random time during the month, the power grid will just automatically turn off. No warning. Just instant lights out.
Its duration will be determined by a log-normal distribution or similar. So the average duration will be 24 hours with a long thin tail going towards longer durations. There will be a very small chance power is out for the whole month. There will be an even smaller chance power will be out for a whole year. Also, the duration will not be announced at the start of the outage. You’ll just have to sit there in the dark for who knows how long.
All home power generators will also have to be hooked up to this control system. Any home with active power during a deliberate grid blackout will be bombed by automatic drone.
KFC Little Bucket Parfait…
Or, you can be, Abserd!