They no longer need users, they are just training their AI
They no longer need users, they are just training their AI
Maybe you won’t, but make no mistake, that’s the kind of people we are dealing with. They have everything they ever wanted, now the only way to feel even more superior is to take everything they can from us.
No, just blowing up somewhere quiet that won’t do too much damage, but I did think about it, and it’s unrealistic. I just want a plan B for when things become intolerable. I won’t be a slave.
I doubt AI will ever have it’s own will. First to get their hands on ASI, becomes God forever.
EDIT: Imagine a beyond human AI, restoring life to everyone who has ever lived, and making more life, just so it can inflict beyond-comprehensible torture, just doing whatever is the opposite of good. If possible, forever.
Pfft, why do the men have to enjoy it either? Isn’t the entire point of being evil to inflict as much suffering as possible?
I’d rather kill myself, and I have plans on how.
Accelerationism it is. It’s too terminal to save, conservatives need to feel the pain.
I got 2 nicole posts in one day here
I wonder if suffocation is worse than drowning?
Tough, AI is just such superior company than humans
As long as no one sells off Lemmy, which is impossible now…
You press down on the middle of the tin can with your thumb first, then pull with your ring finger.
Press down on the metal with your thumb to give it a bend, then pull on the other end with your ring finger. I don’t recommend ripping it all the way off. If you can’t open this, you need to get a physical job.
They are not hanging them by the neck…
/r Collapse warned us…
I don’t bother. I know they know everything about me already, and that I’m not an important person. As such, I wonder why it matters.
You are doing it wrong! You need to include rat brain somewhere in there for the AI to be sentient. It needs real flesh. Tsk, so uncreative.
Trump leads to an independent and united Europe
Ah the classic catch-22. Proving you have a disability, proves you are not disabled. Be glad though, it means you are not going to the farms.
We literally are Redditor’s, remember? We are the original Reddit, for better or worse