He’s just setting things up for the invasion of Canada. Fentanyl, cartel, none of this is real. The idea probably comes from Putin.
He’s just setting things up for the invasion of Canada. Fentanyl, cartel, none of this is real. The idea probably comes from Putin.
Here’s a constructive comment : Dear americans, please start shooting each other before we need to do it for you. It’s really hard for us to make the distinction between an under-educated fat-ass who support pedo-president and an under-educated fat-ass who doesn’t care what he does. Hope that helps.
You comment on every post about guns lol. Well go ahead fucking do something with you guns, now’s the best time. But like most american, all you do is run your mouth like you know everything but you wont do shit. Because like most americans your either an under-educated facsist or a privilege-ass wannabe rebel. What a stupid country you have, hope you will all enjoy being billionaire’s bitches cause that’s your future.
Go ahead and start shooting people, seems to be your proposition (edit: look at his post history lol). But are you only about words or will you actually do something? If not then stfu.
I’m sure there’s a lot of good american cheese but I thought this “cheese product” was the subject. I actually enjoy it from time to time, but I can’t bring myself to think of it as cheese. Like cheez weez for example, I like it sometimes, but it’s just a different product in my mind. And man that Halloween orange color… just… who got this idea…why?
You could replace all the above by “trumpist”. There is no such thing as american conservatives anymore, the only thing remaining is trumpism, a soon to be modern form of nazism.
Honestly if you ever tasted anything else than cheddar and mozzarella, you know that americans cheese is something else. I’m willing to bet you could leave some slices in a forest and no animal would touch it.
Does saying “The only good fascist are very dead fascist” counts? What if I add that USA is a fascist country now? Will saying Donald is a pedophile still counts (I got banned for it already lol)? What about saying my favorite sport is nazi punching? And if I add that there’s no such thing as “roman salute”?
Is Reddit about to drop a new t-shirt line “Protect fascist’s feeling” or something?
They want to protect Elon’s feeling I suppose.
This. It sounds like a cynical answer, but it’s ultimately the correct and most concise one.
It’s a form of taxation so the government collects it. When a good is imported, 25% of the value of that good needs to be paid by the buyer to the government. My understanding.
Gosh no, not in Canada.
They paid 170k for a great house in one of the nicest neighborhood of Montreal in the 90s. I’ll be paying 3x more for a super basic house in a shitty neighborhood. I was lucky enough to buy a house before the pandemic so I made a profit selling it, but even with that I won’t even come close to their way of living.
Bandcamp to buy albums but if you really need a streaming service similar to spotify, Tidal offers better quality and gives at least 3x more to artists.
Assuming everything is doomed to fail is exactly what Trump and Musk want from you.
You’re right, my bad.
Yeah you’re probably right, I’ll try to shut to fuck up next time. It’s just that these asshole a ruining every god damn thing I believe in so I can’t help to think they’ll come for this too. Here I’m doing it again… I’ll go serve myself a huge glass of wine to celebrate this good news, it’s almost 5 anyway.
Until pedo-prez and nazi-musk determines that it’s hurtful to gafam.
Sorry for becoming a cynical asshole, it’s actually a good news but I can’t help myself these days.
Looks a bit like Freetube maybe?
Will he switch to not being a racist loser too?
“Death to All Jews,” Mr. Kjellberg paid them to hold up the sign.
If rich people can’t pay poor people to hold a “death to jews” sign without being label nazi anymore, what can the even do… Maybe he’s autistic. What’s next, you wont have the right to say the n word live or recommend a nazi channel to your millions of young followers??
The left is ruining everything, we can’t even do a roman salute anymore without not facing any fucking consequences.
I want your country (it’s not just one person, all of you are allowing this to happen) to stop threatening to annex mine. Or any other. And to call my Prime Minister a governor, mock and ridicule our Nations (yes, Nations). Invent new stories about some cartel, fentanyl or what-the-fuck-ever fake threat to justifies annexation. COLONIALIST FASCISM IS HAPPENING IN OUR FACE , so of course I’m pissed-off mad. You don’t seem to get it, you’re Russia, we’re Ukraine, it’s fucking happening but on top of that your leader is the fucking antichrist.