Ziglin (they/them)

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 13th, 2023


  • I don’t think you understood what I wrote.

    I’m not ignoring the post of a link to a community, I’m telling you that I prefer scientific studies and think that what one study based on asking >27000 individuals and another paper based on many more studies is more relevant than you trying to express that something exists in a lazy unclear way. Statistically there are only very few people who regret their choice of transitioning. Those who did chose to do it themselves (or something very illegal happened in which case I banning it wouldn’t change it).

    I’m tempted to post a link to a trans community to show you irrelevant you would think it is. But I think those communities wouldn’t appreciate it if you popped in and commented on their wholesome posts with your thoughts about transitioning based on your reddit anecdotes.

  • I mean you’re not wrong about jokes being used like that. In this case the jokes at most encourage them to explore their gender expression, I’m not suggesting that they transition in any way.

    If you want to directly compare like that it would imply that I (a trans person) am sneaking into cishet places. This alone should probably show that it’s a bad comparison because friendship isn’t something that should be discriminated by gender, sexuality, race, or idk nose position.

  • I mean the statement just seems unnecessary and/or badly defined. A sub-category of a categorization is expected to fulfill the qualifications of the category it is a part of. Trans women are women, cis women are women. Both cis and trans women can be regular or irregular depending on how you define the term because there is no fixed definition.

  • No I didn’t say that. I said that more people benefit from having the choice of recieving trans healthcare than regret, let alone decide to kill themselves because of it.

    The way I understand your argument is that because a few people have negative effects from choosing to do something that has a positive effect on a lot of others the ability to prepare for it should be restricted to people until later in life when some important benefits are lost.

    The only gender affirming healthcare given to people under the age of 18 years is puberty blockers which only delay the effects of puberty and cause negligible long term effects (this is an assumption, I have not heard of any long term effects of puberty blockers but I assume there are some). Why would people who regret transitioning be a reason to stop that?

    My previous comment was explaining why the option of medical transitions for adults should be available. It benefits those who need it. One can’t help those who transition medically and regret it far beyond attempting to reverse it. We can however try to avoid those situations by giving better them better education about transitioning.

    Just because surgeries/games can go wrong doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be allowed as a way to help people or make them happier.

  • Last I checked PubMed was a far better source than Newsweek or Reddit. (The comment isn’t even edited so I’m assuming you just skipped the part with the sources)

    You posted a link to a Reddit community which won’t even load for me. I assume what you claim “amounts to at least thousands of people who regret transitioning” is the amount of people subscribed to that Reddit community. If I understood correctly that would indeed not amount to “at least thousands of people who regret transitioning”. Instead it would show the number of Reddit accounts subscribed to the community. Some of which are likely individuals who regret having transitioned, many others are people interested in hearing about it and/or excited to make fun of what is posted and there could also be bots artificially inflate the number.

    Posting a community name/link does not equate to a number of people in the group that the community is aimed at and it most certainly is not indicative of the people that actually exist in the group.

  • I may joke to male friends that they should be femboys but that is the extent of what I’ve seen. Whenever anyone says that they actually are questioning their gender I give them as much space as they need to figure it out themselves but am always open to questions. The trans people I know are the same and most trans people on the internet seem to be too. I wouldn’t be too surprised if there are some people who are not like us and do try to force others. I think cis people trying to force trans people to be cis are more common.

  • I had my first sex ed class 8 and I was fine with it. My parents didn’t like talking about those sort of things and without school teaching me about it my knowledge would have been very lacking.

    I’ve done stereotypically male and female things since I was 3. I didn’t understand what feeling like a gender was until recently and I have felt a lot better getting to explore my gender whenever I have one. If I had been taught more about it when I was young I don’t see how that exploration would have been different then from how it is for me now, except that I now am stuck with some permanent marks from pubery, some of which I do like tbh but some I really don’t like but could have probably avoided if I had known in advance.

  • If we have rules against saying things like that which hurt some community members I think it’s okay for mods to remove them. If people want to say that sort of thing they can create their own instances and/or communities which those people negatively affected can avoid there would be nobody to remove them. That’s one of the beauties of Lemmy.

    Also if somebody is really of that opinion then maybe they should rethink their definition of “actual women”.