not only are they still at it but they’re firmly in the “kicking ass” column while their remaining contemporaries are increasingly being filed under “no really it’s ok you can retire now please” category
FM Chiptune Musician | DX Complex Staff | SEGA, MSX and Retro Tech Dork | He/Him
Formerly [email protected]
Microblogging at [email protected]
not only are they still at it but they’re firmly in the “kicking ass” column while their remaining contemporaries are increasingly being filed under “no really it’s ok you can retire now please” category
i’ve even heard rumors that tennis for two is a knockoff of a sport called “tennis” although this has yet to be proved conclusively
that’s the funny thing about genres and knock-offs, the only difference is scale. every game after pong is a knock-off of something that came before, and the great ones are the ones who purposefully or inadvertedly added something that made it a new standard for which to knock off, birthing a new genre. people hate terms like metroidvania or roguelike but imo those are the best genre names because they most clearly communicate the context and intent of the game
as it should! long live spinners and paddles!