Please expand.
Please expand.
A lighter Discord, you say?
I joined through them because of that. They seem to know their poo-poo.
Right? Give me some layers between the performance and the message. Watching it made me feel talked down to, as I was a child.
OP specifically stated to prep a specific web client and instance, and create a QR code to facilitate joining. That sidesteps that concern entirely.
That was how I joined IRC back in the day. I was told to join “mIRC” (a popular client then). You figure the details later — or don’t, because it will work regardless.
Ducking hell. Just say propaganda. Why use a foreign word when there’s a perfectly usable alternative?
They are pointing to a solution, not saying streaming is bad.
Believe it or not, it was a running chainsaw. In a Manhattan apartment building. After she ran screaming and punching all the doors. And no one noticed.
Our tastes match a lot. There’s more than one recommendation to add to my list in your comment. Thanks and happy new year!
It’s not just you, I’m super down too.
Oh, tough one. A clockwork orange is certainly up there. 2001 is also another great one. “The man who wasn’t there” is a neo noir gem that’s underrated and I keep coming back to — most of the time watching desaturated in black and white. Alien, Blade Runner, and Her tied for sci-fi (very different sub genres). The good, the bad, and the ugly. Requiem for a dream.
Damn, the list goes on and on. What about you?
Whelmed is a perfect description for how I felt about many movies (thanks for that!), but this one just underwhelmed me.
This is from me in another thread:
Many things taken together: The message is too “in your face”. The comedy is weak. The story not engaging enough, lots of false starts but no follow through.
The acting is good though, and there were some tits. Overall 2/5. Not bad enough to matter, just “meh”. Which is why it confuses me that it enthralled so many people.
Gods no, I hated him explaining music in the movie. I get that it’s important to highlight how he’s just pretending to be human while parroting stuff some critic wrote, but ugh…
You could argue the right is more focused on identity politics and for a longer time than the left.
The original meaning of idpol being doing politics as a matter of identity rather than ideas. It’s why you can get MAGAts to agree with you on a lot of stuff and disagree with the GOP, but they’ll still vote red, because their identity is republican.
The message is very clear (in your face). The fact that everybody keeps mistaking the VPs for one another because they’re indistinguishable is another point. But what is funny about it?
Nope. I avoid ultra processed food and that would be the ultimate in ultra processing. I’ve been reducing my animal protein intake regularly, and consider this important, but not enough to risk my health on it.
Do you like it for the memes, too? It’s Napoleon Dynamite all over again.
What god and satan was Epicurus talking about here? Just curious what idea of an omnipotent, omniscient, loving god existed about 300 BC. My little Roman mythology knowledge has their gods closer to Greek gods: limited in power, easily fooled, and extremely flawed.