Synth noodling conceptual artist
This is exactly what he means.
Next up the sanctioned daily hate.
Yes, that town square needs to be happy. That’s a happy democracy!
Mate, the bunting looks awfully like swastikas…
But happy, less negative swastikas, right?
What an unserious human Musk is.
Nationalise wine and invest heavily in fossil fuels (Norway)…
Almost as if Europe is a wide collection of different countries with varying socio-economic conditions, political systems, histories and cultures and not just the other United States.
Should add that this is not a complete list. Some really significant absences from the African and Asian continents.
US is at 39 with 1,765.00 hours.
Above it, with more… Poland, Czech Republic, Croatia, Romania., Estonia, Hungary, and Malta. There’s Greece too, but you know, Grexit.
On so cooked thag I just spent ages looking at the word “feild”.
Weird little guy.
Devils advocate moment… If people keep listening (or sort of listening) and they are OK with music that seems to lack any soul, is it not just giving the audience what they want and deserve?
Devils concierge moment… What a bunch of shitbags.
No one could have predicted this, no one.