Just put it in a formal grammar:
GNU -> GNU's Not Unix's
GNU -> gnu
GIMP -> GNU image manipulation program
Just put it in a formal grammar:
GNU -> GNU's Not Unix's
GNU -> gnu
GIMP -> GNU image manipulation program
This was not a design consideration when usenet was being developed, because the assumption was all the users would have a name, email, and traceable identity so if you acted like a stupid shit, everyone already knew exactly who you were, where you worked/went to school, and could apply actual real-world social pressure to you to stop being a stupid fuck.
The first email spammer got a call from the US Air Force Major in charge of ARPANET and nobody send spam for a while. We should have kept doing that.
The billionaire space race reminds me of Devil facial tumour disease (NSFL).
It’s the only cancer (that I know of), that can reliably spread to a new host.
Edit: I did some reading, there are more but that is the one that feels most terrifying. I posted the article on creepy Wikipedia.