Everyone’s gotta learn the hard way.
Everyone’s gotta learn the hard way.
This explains why the huge delay from their promise to release steamOS installer for generic PC systems. It’s probably taken a lot of behind the scenes work to make it device agnostic as well as supporting specific hardware from 3rd parties. This is a huge win though, most deck competitors running windows are hamstringing themselves so having more options in the market will accelerate the support and adoption of more open standards.
Any performance hit on the sandboxing? Even just a few ms latency?
Ground news so theres a healthy mix of sources which are all inherently biased individually.
Crows are so badass. They mess with shitty species like seagulls and blue jays while leaving alone other animals and birds. I once watched a group of crows chase away a blue jay that was harassing a squirrel who was trying to eat some treats it was given by a neighbor. The crows didn’t even take the squirrels treats either. Just chased the jay out and then stood around on fences and trees while the squirrel came out of hiding again to eat. Just incredible!
Cats - Always had em around, always bond pretty deeply with them. Always seemed to be able to build a language with them and enjoy the mutual respect.
Crows - Have a small crew that meets me for lunch every day and we just chill and I love watching them playing and throwing unsalted peanuts out for them.
Benchy is gone. We print Chompski now. https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4259015