You guys, NVIDIA’s valuation is not based on consumer GPU sales, lol.
You guys, NVIDIA’s valuation is not based on consumer GPU sales, lol.
As a white man, it means nothing to me when someone uses my race against me. The historical context of oppression doesn’t accompany the insult. However, there have been times in my life when minorities have excluded me or shunned me for my race, which sucks, but it doesn’t mean I’m going to internet war over it.
Same. I like it, but the directing and editing isn’t very good. The show would be awesome with a different director. Maybe.
Today: reorganize all your files according to this ✨ new✨ system
Tomorrow: forget everything you did yesterday. Your spouse can’t find shit.
50 years later: your kids and grandkids can’t find a fucking thing, wonder what the hell you were thinking
I’m fine with the effort bar being selecting an instance. If someone can’t get beyond that, there’s probably not much they have to say I’d be interested in.
What I see from hexbear trolls is an attempt to usurp leftism and turn it into something very weird. They came hard for Biden and Kamala, but don’t really say anything negative about Trump. They talk about “libs” as though the word hasn’t changed which group it refers to over the course of the last century.
It is quite clear to me that they do this to advance Russian interests and global fascism. They will, of course, deny it, but they are simply manipulators.
Yes, are you unaware of how Russian propaganda works?
They don’t care, mission was accomplished in November of last year.
Yeah, compensation was too high to turn down. I was happy where I was and going in the right direction.
Let’s just say I was morphing into something in my career, then was made a ridiculous offer for more money doing something I wasn’t fully qualified to do with the promise that there would be plenty of time to ramp up and develop. I took it, the timeline constricted, I got laid off (might as well have been fired), and it derailed my career from the trajectory I was on. Then the entire tech sector went into downturn, everyone’s doing RTO, every job has 487261884 applicants, and I’m about ready to cash in my chips.
Oh boy, I wish I could tell you a story about this without doxxing myself. Holy fuck does it hit hard.
I assume you would be operating VNFs in the context of using these parameters, which implies that any security concerns would be mitigated through the use of the same.
I don’t know, I just grab them and put them in my cart when I go to the grocery store. I’m going to buy them no matter what they cost, so why bother worrying about it? Holy shit it’s like 75% of the country has gone insane.
Lmao, so accurate.
A genius wouldn’t post something this pointless and idiotic in the first place. If they felt inclined to, they would likely not think it worth the time.
Scanning for fascist_bullshit
fascist_bullshit found!
Adding host to block list.
Someday I hope we all get to see what kompromat Putin has on them. It has to be really awful.
Thunder client for VS Code.
Even before the Russian invasion of Ukraine, it had occurred to me that the US disproportionately spends much, much more on military might than our allies do. Europe pulled a good one on us, ensuring they could lead more carefree lifestyles with first world social safety nets while we take on that heavy burden of being the sentry guard of the entire western world.
However, we made promises of security to Ukraine in return for their nuclear disarmament. It isn’t right that we turn our backs on them now.
Trump is a simpleton. He doesn’t truly understand the long-term butterfly effects of the decisions he’s making.