Psions were amazing. I had a Psion 3 in the 90s. That thing fell out of my pocket when I was cycling and a van drove over it - still worked fine. I’d like to see an iPhone manage that
Psions were amazing. I had a Psion 3 in the 90s. That thing fell out of my pocket when I was cycling and a van drove over it - still worked fine. I’d like to see an iPhone manage that
I can’t remember who said this, but somebody said the version of the Turing Test as we all remember it is ridiculous: It’s basically saying that the test of intelligence is “Can a chatbot fool one idiot?”
We did curation of existing knowledge for years, in the form of textbooks and reference works. This is just people thinking they can get the same benefits without the expense, and it’ll come crashing down soon enough when people see that you need to handle concepts, not just surface words with a superficial autocomplete
You are not okay to drive after two booze rounds
Old man here… The first online bubble was probably the dot.com bubble of the late 90s, when lots of people first went “This internet thing is amazing and we’re all going to make millions!” I remember boo.com being one of the first high-profile crashes, but pretty soon a lot of that first wave of internet retail businesses folded, with notable exceptions like Amazon, of course.