No need to apologize, all news is a downer lately. 😕
No need to apologize, all news is a downer lately. 😕
This is an amazing breakdown and summarizes exactly how I’ve been reading it also. Thank you for this. 💙
Why do we need this? What is the reason any of these companies will get paid for this? (Besides porn)
The article is incomplete, because it doesn’t explain how to opt out
Do you deliver, or should I just meet you out behind the club next to the green trash bin like usual?
If you think Twitter is ever going to give you real news again, you deserve to have your face eaten by leopards.
Well hello, consumer, yes hello consumer bop bop bop bop be da bup bebop cola!
You better check under the sea!
Appropriate, really.
Serves them right for still being on Twitter.
Cool. Devour each other. Keep yourselves busy.
Starlink can get fucked.
I use Feedly, it has a nice iOS client too. It has some nice integrations for saving articles for later reading
Now that I would actually buy. Smart glasses that project a digital screen over my face that scrambles all face reco tech.
I am happy to pay for a service I’m using and getting value from if the price is fair, and if they can find a model where it’s sustainable with some % paid and some still free so that it’s available to everyone, and do that without ads or data scraping or treating users as a commodity I think that’s as close as we’ll get to tech utopia.
The “users are the product” tech model needs to die. We will need to start paying for our stuff. But I think that will create a better internet.
Twitter is no longer a tech company. It is a propaganda farm and should not be covered objectively.
I would like that source code for… reasons.
I’m using https://www.knthost.com/ and really happy with them so far
Get those suits in while we still have a court system!