Sounds good. Been playing with some local llms
Sounds good. Been playing with some local llms
I certainly hope my post didn’t come off as promotion of this app. My intention was to discuss viability. Decent proprietary software does exist even though that’s a bit of an oxymoron.
I for one welcome our new overlords. May you be fair and just; never making infamy in yepowertrippin’ bastards!
Thank you for your contributions!
It’s all good. The lucky 10,000
That makes way more sense now, thank you.
Can you point me in the right direction? I tried doing an internet search t understand the difference, but I’m missing the core concept you’re alluding to here.
They aren’t here to help either. Just another flavor of wolf in sheep’s clothes to support the super wealthy that run the country. Though this one seems a little less capable of malice. I still can’t tell if that’s a sliver of morality hanging on the through a beating of self ineptitude.
Two letters per key and the auto correct was just so flipping good. I could fly on that keyboard.
This was college life for me. Took notes on it because I could type faster than I could write. Bitter sweet memories as I have a love hate relationship with my current always connected phone.
But for phones the BlackBerry keyboard is what I really miss. That and the sliding form factor of the palm pre. Then there was windows ce devices. This were cool, but were huge and guzzled battery power.
Cars have gps built in even if you don’t use the onboard navigation. For some odd reason you care goes to a particular club / establishment every Thursday and stays parked there for 2.75 to 3.5hrs each time. If I took all the data your car’s gps collected, I bet I could make some pretty good inferences about you. Even if they’re wrong but roughly accurate, I could still sell it.
Now imagine something associated with where you’re going suddenly becomes illegal or target activity. Now you’re on a cool new government list.
Heck let’s go one step further. The location you frequent gets associated with pro Israel or pro Palestine. And since all companies are perfectly with safeguarding data, somehow has a breach. Now a true wackadoodle has this and your home location. What could possibly go wrong here? All actions and dialogue around this topic have been perfectly mannered and civil </s>. You might not even have a clue that your now associates with something to which you had no awareness or affiliation.
All of these scenarios go away if they didn’t harvest data.
Agreed, and that’s the hard part. Finding and promoting good and right while removing greed. Oversight is needed, but doesn’t this feel a bit like the wolf watching the sheep?
The system isn’t completely broken, but it has glaring issues. Transparency and accountability is missing. Rules for thee and me need to match with equity.
“Good”, “right”, and “fair” seem to be dying in society.
We can only be our own little light in a sea of darkness…maybe with a little luck we can make the world a little brighter.
May I suggest a rule of “don’t game the system”.
It helps avoid situations where people think they’re clever but also deliberately skirt the rules.
I.e., people make mistakes, and that’s ok. Willful disregard is another beast.
It would seem they have a conflict of interest. Choosing life or death for someone where not providing care would be less costly. Morality = / = legality.
It would seem to make sense to allow the doctors to be advocates for their patients, but I get that oversight is needed too. It’s not an easy situation to solve. There are clearly glaring issues in the current system.
In case it’s unclear murder is wrong if done by 1 person or a collective entity through an indirect series of actions.
E: fixed formatting = / = Without spaces changes to equal and not ‘not equal’
I think your biggest issue is going to be getting black listed IPs or other provider marking you as unknown/untrusted. That alone is enough to make it unreliable no matter how good you are at being able to setup, secure, and run your own mail server.
Get your own domain, then find a zero trust provider and leverage their size.
This way if you need to change whoever is hosting your email, it’s and easy lift and shift.