It’s a pad and always has been.
It’s a pad and always has been.
Purely just send.
You ain’t gonna learn to swim in the wading pool, take a leap and break something.
It’s like any job - you can be talked to about x, y or z until the cows come home but until you stub your toe on a specific issue it’s mostly just fluff.
I’ve committed unencrypted secrets to codeberg, deleted boot partitions without rebuilding (nixos), tested most Linux distros until I got comfortable.
Dumb mistakes are bound to happen (I feel mostly to me) but you don’t learn without seeing the repercussions. Linux isn’t scary - closed source crapware is; no matter how “user friendly” it’s made out to be.
Edit: formatting
You have wifi / ethernet in your PC monitor?
The same reason you don’t open letters or cut open cartons with your kitchen knives, also the same reason your kitchen knives should never end up in your dishwasher.