Batmobiles. Lots of companies sell Batmobile toys, no companies sell Batmobiles.
Batmobiles. Lots of companies sell Batmobile toys, no companies sell Batmobiles.
The BeOS file system actually had such functionality:
Bamse — världens starkaste björn!
Sorry, no, that’s not how it works, not at all.
I’ve recently started to like the sarcasm of Lisa Eckhart:
Tmux was purpose built for terminal multiplexing.
Was screen not purpose built for terminal multiplexing?
When tmux was first released I was already so used to screen that I never really considered switching. What would some convincing arguments be for me to make the effort to switch now?
I recommend reading this insightful, sometimes hilarious, sometimes frightening, but almost always educational collection of texts about open source development:
What is this referring to?
“Will that be smoking or non smoking?” Asked as a restaurant
I was asked this at a café less than ten minutes ago now.
[…], particularly when end users tend to despise particularly greedy live service business models.
Have you considered making your business models … not particularly greedy?
The great Umberto Eco once wrote some wonderful musings about the similarities between different then popular personal computer operating systems and different branches of Christianity. I see that’s now 30 years ago this year so now might be a good time for a repost, English translations and Italian original can be found here:
But those are all custom builds and don’t fulfill the definition of being possible to “buy ready made” given by OP.