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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 14th, 2023


  • What I meant to imply is that most, if not all, of the pages/sites that I visit, I am logged in to their site for whatever valid reason as we all are. The data collected is directly attributable to me (although, as I said, I give as much false/unattributable info as possible) to make selling it unhelpful.

    I’ve not heard of Andi before. I had been using StartPage (a Google proxy) but Proximity is so good that I’ve switched. Bad move but what can you do. Google isn’t great anymore.

    I’ll have a look at Andi. What’s the underlying search engine(s)?

    Thank-you for the recommendation. 😁

  • Thanks for the dirty ticks reference. That’s going to be fun to read! May give me an idea.

    Much of my browsing these days is on account-based web pages and apps, so it’s unavoidable, but I use addy.io to avoid a single email address and try not to enter any identifying data like full name; and use one-time credit cards. I do what I can to minimise anything resembling a tracking file being on my PC for any length of time if it is downloaded at all (pi-hole, uBlock Origin, cookie autodelete, VPN, i2p, blah blah), but it’s a losing battle as we all know.

    I’m trying to only interact with LLMs locally, and be generic with my queries for Perplexity (my current fav engine). With LLM being trained on all our data without our agreement, it’s a concern.

    OpenAI say that they’re not making a profit on even their pro plan. You know what they say about free services and being the product.

  • Maybe. My great grandparents escaped from Poland and Russia in the first decade of the twentieth century. I don’t know what you’d call it as a geographic area.

    I remember, with a small child’s view, the seventies. It was really shite. Weak leaders, unions asking the physically impossible, wild inflation (25+% vs a kinda normal 5-7%), strikes and poverty. ‘managed decline’ was the way it was described in the civil service: the airplane is fucked but we’re going for a soft landing. 2020 here is like the seventies writ small. The UK had no choice but to join the EU.

    The UK contributes less than 2% to greenhouse gases but our idiots are pushing climate change costs onto us - or maybe it’s labelled climate change but the taxes is just trying to keep us the country afloat. What we learned from Mrs T was that 70s style tax burdens don’t work. The halving of the tax rates doubled the revenue and suddenly punk became synth and new romantics.

    I think the real change was the second wave emancipation of women. House prices went wild because there were now two serious incomes per household to multiply by 4 or 5. People were buying houses on self- certification of income, never making a mortgage payment, and still selling the house at a huge profit. The thing exploded, like in the US, as you’d expect. The government didn’t raise interest rates to combat the excess money now in the system and pop-goes-the- weasel.

    Selling off the infrastructure was a dream to build wealth for small shareholders, mirroring the US - I have a SEC Series 7 Traders qualification for work - but the Brits are sadly a more disconnected lot. Every budget raids our pensions funds because we don’t care about them until the day before we retire. I’m guessing small shareholders are a small minority now.

    After the nineties We’ve had a succession of weak leaders, each tacitly claiming to be the new Mrs T. Boris filled his mates pockets with the cash meant for COVID and locked down the working man.

    Now we’ve got a naive ex-chief prosecutor ‘authoritarian’ in who is as weak as fuck pandering to every liberal cause you can shake a stick at. Violent prisoners being released, people jailed for sending a tweet; serious honours given out for the mayor of London who has failed by any metric you care to name, but someone has elected him three times in a row. Mind you, the opposition candidate was particularly hopeless this time.

    It’s all very reminiscent of Neil Kinnock failing miserably to walk unaided on a beach, having being surprised by the presence of water, staging a election victory before the day and losing the general election as a result to a complete twat.

    Meanwhile, if climate change was actually important to you all, you’d tackle the major polluters of this world. China also owns Africa for the minerals and large quantities of the US, India lives in abject poverty as the largest population in the world. Not a damn thing was said.

  • I use degooglechrome (flatpak - Fedora) for the moronic sites that are too encumbered with trackers and other shite to ever load on Firefox. In the UK that would be the National Lottery website as an example. If it loads for you, you’re not as privacy conscious as you think.

    To me, using Firefox would suggest that you don’t use Chrome for more than the odd few sites because you specifically use Firefox for privacy. That’s because Chrome goes out of its way to remove privacy eg. frustrating uBlock Origin.

    I don’t sync bookmarks because I don’t want Google to have them too easily. I’m sure they have them but I didn’t offer them up knowingly.

    I’m bound to ask: why do you use Firefox? Unless you’re a dev that has to cover all browsers.