Yet somehow the same people can be trusted to select the best among them to make the rules for everyone.
Global namespace extremist. Defragment your communities!
Yet somehow the same people can be trusted to select the best among them to make the rules for everyone.
I sense huge r/antiwork vibes. I hope it will be at least as much fun.
Just make sure any power saving features are disabled. That is, if the 3000km journey to wiggle the mouse is not on your bucket list.
In my experience, this is not the case. It just says it can’t connect. Doesn’t specify how or where to.
Ok, I’m going to say it… a tiling window mamager would actually make sense for apps not optimized for dynamic resizing. Why do we resist this so much on android?
Every time I feel like I finally get kubernetes, somebody surprises me by talking about very specific, complex modern technologies being used to do basically the same thing we’ve been doing for decades by simple tools.
And I always experience the same urge to re-grow a tail and climb a tree.
Our backup server has a chatbot now. If that’s not throwing things at the wall, I don’t know what is.
Not destroyed, merely transformed. Human waste can be turned into fertilizer. Still no theft in sight…
We’d be better off going back to barter than trying to peacefully pry the system from their clutches.
Normal people would just start selling the beige shirts…
It’s literally this meme. Support the rich against the poor, poor against the rich, white against the black, black against the white until they fight amongst themselves. Until all that’s left are free cookies.
But that’s because the russian government specializes in supporting or amplifying anything that creates contention and controversy. Even we arguing about it today is an indirect result of russian psyop.
No need for doubt. There is no technology in place that would guarantee any kind of privacy.
For the current version, we are using a Mistral LLM (Mistral 7B) hosted within Mozilla’s GCP instance.
Found myself replacing the broken file roller flatpak by the file roller from thr APT repo.
The desktop linux feels more and more like windows as time goes on. The things that worked fine for years are being broken in new and innovative ways.
Using some server hundreds of kilometers away to send something to the person standing in front of me does not make any sense.
What’s even more enraging is that phones used to be able to do that until the manufacturers decided to remove the ability and kept replacing it with ever changing inferior alternatives until people rather used whatsapp or dropbox.
Sounds like fun, but I wish we had a real multiplatform GUI framework that does not look like ass and does not perform like ass, so we can put the whole shameful electron era behind us.
I love this website. It’s usually pretty accurate, except for…
Two big hard monster cocks pumped up Marilyn Crystal gaping ass & pussy FS033 sd.mp4
I think I’d remember those…
The opposite. I’m afraid I will waste my life procrastinating, not even being aware of what it has to offer.