Plutus, Haskell, Nix, Purescript, Swift/Kotlin. laser-focused on FP: formality, purity, and totality; repulsed by pragmatic, unsafe, “move fast and break things” approaches
AC24 1DE5 AE92 3B37 E584 02BA AAF9 795E 393B 4DA0
And looks objectively terrible compared to basically ANY major motion picture released this year (perhaps just short of the great film but terribly-lit “Rob Peace”).
I was flabbergasted that such horrifically flat lighting and incredibly dismal/uninspired camera work didn’t trigger any reshoots (particularly with the $150 million budget they had and, as a consequence, the equipment they had at their disposal.)
Good point. Cant believe that printing footage wasn’t sped up. INSANE speed. :) Judging by the extrusion head on the current world record holder 3D printer, it will probably work.
Unless your lights are hard-wired or connecting to a locked down guest WiFi network, you are exposing your WiFi credentials to potential attackers.
The microcontrollers that control Christmas lights are riddled with backdoors and holes.
That’s probably the real reason that this piece of shit NSA spook wants everyone to have smart Christmas lights.
Very on-brand for you.
Уважаемый лидер Путин прописывает вам литр водки перед первым приемом пищи.
I’m 99.9999999999% sure that far fewer of those accounts are propaganda than you realize but you just don’t want to hear what they’re pushing because it threatens your world view.
I stand behind this idea 100%.
I’m sorry you have to start from such a defensive place about the crypto aspect of this idea. Don’t let hivemind anti-crypto people get you undermining or apologizing for your vision. It is the right way to do decentralized finance.
Most people would recommend ETH or BTC but I’d actually recommend you stay away from ETH because of the inherent non-determinism of the accounts model.
Full disclosure: I might be slightly biased since I moderate Cardano’s communities on Lemmy but, if you want the stability of BTC’s UTxO with smart contracts, I’d recommend Cardano. Decentralized in most every way including governance, fully open source, and utterly parallelizable (due to the UTxO nature of it).
You should also consider BTC or Monero if you don’t absolutely need smart contracts. But don’t let the investor moonbois get you using ETH or Solana. They’re both incredibly flawed and most likely unfixable (in ETH’s case because of nondeterminism and in Solana’s case because of centralization).
Good luck!