Bring an old point and shoot digital camera though. Pics and video might keep you from getting locked up.
Bring an old point and shoot digital camera though. Pics and video might keep you from getting locked up.
There are a lot of gnostic writings but they don’t hold much value. They were essentially rejected when they were written. You did ask an interesting question though, why we aren’t born with knowledge of every language if God wanted to diverse languages.
I’ve read theology about this as well, and the answer that I’m hearing at the moment regarding that has to do with the speaking in tongues that was released at Pentecost. On that occasion, there were people from many other regions assembled in Jerusalem and when they began to speak in tongues, people from foreign lands heard their own native tongue spoken clearly. The way it’s described, it seems even the dialects were correct.
It’s not clear if that was a miracle of being able to speak in a language they didn’t understand, or if it was a miracle of understanding. But it does seem to be a reversal of the confusion that was caused by the multiple languages at the tower of Babel, yet retaining the diversity and also creating unity. The inferred implication is that the same kind of understanding will be available in eternity when all of the brokenness of this world is restored with a new heaven and new Earth.
Interesting info, thank you. It isn’t FOSS so I don’t plan on actively using it but I try to keep my finger on what’s up. I don’t miss Reddit and wish I didn’t need a FB for my job. My account is almost a ghost though and I don’t have it on my phone. I’m sure they still have way too much data on me though.
I have an extra PSU sitting around and planned to install it. The current one is about 6 years old. I also thought this, but I figured I would see if it continued to work well. So far he’s had 2 days with only replacing the case fans and it’s working great. If it goes out again, the first thing I’ll do is swap out the PSU. Like I said, I was expecting to, even planning to. But it worked without it. So maybe it won’t work for long. We’ll see!
Thanks for the response. I’m not trained in PC repair nor is it my job but I’m pretty good at it which is why I’ve done tons of free PC work for non-profits and a little bit of side jobs fixing or building PCs for people I know.
I actually don’t know where they were plugged in,but my son does. I was trying to teach him a bit so as I removed the screws from the fans at the front and pulled on each cable so he knew which one to unplug, he actually disconnected the old and then later reconnected the new fans, not me. I made sure he paid close attention to the pin locations, so he can probably tell me when I get home. In theory though, modern PCs should be able to boot with no CPU cooler, they’ll shut down quickly when they get hot though. I’ll look into this.
The theological explanation I’ve been hearing recently for that is that God didn’t want humanity to be a monolithic entity, but rather to have many different flavors and cultures. Supporting evidence is that in Revelation there is reference to all of the nations and tribes on the Earth being represented in heaven. Meaning that those cultures are retained, minus the worst parts of them. It’s actually a great argument for intentional diversity and allowing people groups to maintain their uniqueness rather than assimilate into a global conglomerate.
I say give it three years and blue sky will just be a neolib twitter
It’s true in many ways. If I buy McDonald’s without the app I pay more for it. If I fill up my gas tank without an app like upside, I pay more for it. There are services that aren’t even available to people without modern phones (I refuse to call them smart phones). Maybe we need legislation to ensure all available discounts, services and benefits are available to customers equally regardless of how they engage services.
I don’t find Lemmy very palatable. I’m still here because I like to hear different perspectives. Lemmy as a whole seems to hate different perspectives, it’s like many go out of their way to keep it closer to a hive mind. 80% of the world’s people would not fit in here. I don’t either, but I don’t give a shit.
Windows is unfortunately still better for gaming. Full stop. I still use both in different settings. Fuck Apple though.
It’s true and I love the newcomers. But my NES and N64 were both purchased at release and are still one-owner. And used regularly. I also have a 4070ti but I love those old systems.
My guess is they hoped for what they got, so that they wouldn’t have to pay for any support.
I’ve been moving over a few machines but some software isn’t easy to just switch. I have at least a dozen more to move, and a few machines I’m going to keep on Windows for now.
If we took away strawmanning, there wouldn’t be much Internet left.
[fingers in ears] Lalalalalalala I can’t hear you!
I am an admin for my job’s page on FB. I don’t have it installed on my phone, I have to sit down at a PC to use it. I don’t post anything personal. Also, since I’m already on there, I represent my team on a team game’s recruiting page. But man do I hate FB. Yesterday my wife asked me to put something up on Marketplace. I answered I don’t want to be there at all. I am moving 90% of my job’s Win10 PCs over to Linux tho. I’m not a boomer.
It’s like people think FOSS means considerate. It means it’s the wild west, with a few zealous moderators who care way more about respecting femboys than women.
I don’t care if you’re gay one way or the other,but if there’s a free urinal not next to me but you pick the one next to me I’m 100% walking away, regardless of if I’m done or not. I’ve done that many times.
I hate those fucking cameras in the thumbnail. They went up all over my area last year, hundreds of them and at every major intersection. You can’t avoid them, there are essentially no routes to skirt around them all. The surveillance state is tracking everyone’s movement and financial transactions, and it started before the orange man came into power. The people need to push back and the effort needs to broader than Ds or Rs making the push. If we want to stop a bipartisan surveillance state we need to mobilize We the People.