Desert Nomad, First Responder, Reverend, Intelligence Analyst, Computer Expert, Cowboy, Sorcerer, Metaphysician, Polymath.
Also, it’s the language scam of the decade to have a [privacy] agreement or terms with a “third party” which is basically anonymous/anyone/indeterminate/changing/.
Wrong. It tracks all Bluetooth devices, but provides more functionality if the protocol is used by owned device + tracking device.
Strange comment, who owns what network that is valid here in this context? This network works across Apple and Android Bluetooth Low Energy, no one owns that network.
Wrong. Although you obviously get all sorts of data to use from LTE/CDMA/etc from a phone, you need to catch it in between a tower handoff which records the movement speed and it’s not accurate. Really only accurate if you use three towers, high power, in close range of the device, but that is Nation State level phreaking. BLE will be able to use every device in the vicinity and would be trackable down to inches, just like the AirTag and what these devices are meant for.