Woah. How did you hide the tab bar etc. in librewolf? Because it was a real pain in firefox lol.
Also, what wm do you use?
Woah. How did you hide the tab bar etc. in librewolf? Because it was a real pain in firefox lol.
Also, what wm do you use?
Please sanction us more, China. Nothing would make me happier than a total economic disconnection from your genocidal state. We normally have to work very hard to accomplish this.
I really don’t think the Crimea or the Hong Kong method is going to work this time.
But if it actually did work, then yeah you might be right.
If it comes to an all out military invasion, though, you can bet that shit is not going to go uncontested.
No, not even a little bit.
I’m talking about imperialists stealing land. What land was stolen by the Taiwanese during the White Terror?
For example, the Soviet Union would have stolen Finland if they could, but Finland was (still is) heavily armed and it would not have been worth the Soviets’ trouble. This is a clear example that when it comes to imperialists like the Soviet Union, the threat of war is necessary to prevent it. This isn’t about starting war. It’s about preventing it.
It’s not that the rightful owner doesn’t matter. It’s that it is hard to quantify on this scale, and it is especially hard to quantify using history.
And yeah, it is in fact more about who I like more. I like the Taiwanese government because the Taiwanese people are in control of it, and I believe in every human’s right to choose their own government. I hate the Chinese government for exactly the same reason, along with the fact that they’re a bunch of land grabbing imperialist bastards.
Yeah, some of 'em. Most of them are just regular Chinese people repeating what they’ve been told, though. I’ve talked with all kinds of Chinese people like that, and truly, when I’m not being a dick about it, it is amazing how quickly I can change their minds. “Quickly” here means “in a month”. Not during the first conversation. Be gentle.
Did you read the link I sent the other guy?
K, I don’t use all caps a lot, but I DON’T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT THE CHINESE CIVIL WAR.
I will not be a slave to history. My defense of Taiwan is entirely based on the here and now.
K I need to qualify that statement somewhat. History is useful for explaining why the world is the way it is today, and serves as a guide into the future, but it is useless as some kind of long term score sheet.
You may not be aware, but this is a very tired talking point from the propaganda departments of empires everywhere and I’m so far beyond tired of hearing it. So is everybody. It even has a name: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whataboutism
The empires use it to shut down all criticism of anything they do. That is why everybody here is reacting to you the way they are.
Oh damn. Taiwan wouldn’t do it now, but if China invaded, they absolutely would.
I’m almost afraid to ask, but what is the 22?
a deal can be made with Russia to end the fighting [in Ukraine].
How do you know? My impression is that any deal without security guarantees from the West will just be violated in about two years or so by Russia, and Russia would refuse to make a deal with such security guarantees for exactly that reason.
If Russia changes its mind and says it would be willing to accept such a deal, I would change my mind. Actually I still wouldn’t because Russia are the lyingest bastards I know, but whatever. It hasn’t happened. It would never happen.
Imperialists cannot be reasoned with without credible threats of violence. If it were otherwise, they wouldn’t be imperialist.
Wow, China’s propaganda in plain view in this comments section, damn!
How would you keep the imperialists from stealing land?
How do you know?
How do you know?
astronaut meme intensifies
They should wear what used to be worn in the 19th century in the Russian imperial court and call it patriotism.
I’ll have to check out bspwm.
And the chrome.css method is the same as I use. Darn, I was hoping for an easier way.