playing Perfect Dark either story coop or battle simulator with my best friend or brother
getting totally immersed in Ocarina of Time and Majora’s Mask
Silent Hill 2 and 3 with best friend
playing Star Craft online until way too late, also with best friend
not only joy maybe, but FFX was very memorable for me
organising Xbox lan parties at our house playing 16 player death matches in Halo
Getting a Switch totally re-ignited my gaming passion. Having a full time work and family it is hard to find the time to sit down and focus on a game, the Switch with its quick sleep/on/off and tv/mobile feature changed that. I felt like a teenager again when I lost track of time (usually late at night) while playing Breath of the Wild and the Xenoblade series
FFXIV and getting immersed once again in a game world
Same, I was wondering how WB would shut down a Nintendo-owned developer…