I won’t buy my wife a Cricut for the same reason, it is a closed system that the company can decide to nickel and dime at will.
Surprised that they switched to Evil mode so soon, now everyone talks about this, and just a few days ago nobody cared and those who did were the loonies talking crazy.
Presumably now that the security keys are known, it is possible to jailbreak your printer and never deal with Bambu ever again.
I won’t buy my wife a Cricut for the same reason, it is a closed system that the company can decide to nickel and dime at will.
Surprised that they switched to Evil mode so soon, now everyone talks about this, and just a few days ago nobody cared and those who did were the loonies talking crazy.
Presumably now that the security keys are known, it is possible to jailbreak your printer and never deal with Bambu ever again.