Well for me personally if I am seeking an application to solve a problem and there are 2 comparable options which are on github, I will first try the one with more stars. Especially if there is a large discrepancy.
When I compare a github vs a non-github project I take into consideration that the other code forge has fewer users, and also I generally prefer devs who take the initiative to get off github. So I will usually give them a go unless the project is too incomplete/stale/inactive.
It’s been a while (2-3 years) since I looked into this but last time I did, the answer was a big old NO. I found all kinds of discussions of people thinking over this idea without success.
It must be possible. All the pieces are there, and they are Libre. They must simply be put put together. Yet many have asked after it without success. I do not know why it proves so difficult.
Will be happy to learn I am wrong. :)