5th Nov 2024 - was the chance to prevent this. Trump’s team made it clear on the direction they were heading and no-one heeded the warnings. 35% didn’t vote and the majority of those that did voted for him, which either means they agree with the direction or were deluded into thinking it wasn’t going to happen.
I’m all for protest but I don’t think you have a chance of changing anything, he owns the legislature and the voting public allowed it to happend.
I’m not American or a resident of US but that’s just my opinion as an outsider.
Sadly voting didn’t fail you. US is in the same predicament UK was in after Brexit. Complacency at the expected outcome, a belief that some people couldn’t be so stupid as to vote for Trump/Brexit and yet, they did in the majority.
Regardless of how fucked up the election process is, inany countries I’m not singling out the US, that is the reason that you feel failed, look at your countrymen that swallowed the snake oil and ask the question why?