This entire thing is being done in America by American companies and the American government.
This entire thing is being done in America by American companies and the American government.
That is what’s going on in our politics
Apocalypse gestures broadly
To your point but more succinct - just look at all the Red Bull sponsored athletes and crazy shit they do. Worth the overpriced drinks lol.
No, but perhaps kicking trans people out of the military will radicalize them and put their skills to use against this failed excuse of a country.
It’s too bad the libs can’t handle the truth and you’ve been downvoted to hell.
Oppression comes from both parties but they were out to brunch the second biden got elected.
But yeah… without giving it away I probably could get close enough to do bad things in Minecraft but I’m not ready for that right now lol
Haha. I was really asking about legal ways to make them uncomfortable
I know theoretically I wouldn’t even feel it but the idea of dying by being blown up terrifies me
Christians believe that the angel gabriel announced to Mary she was preggers with Jesus
And Jews believe god told Moses his 10 commandments
But don’t forget who owns those social media feeds and is aligning with trump.
Meanwhile, it’s the technofascist billionaires bankrolling trump. The technofascists are brainwashing people.
Can we make out? 😂
Lol. Where are you located (vaguely is fine)? Are you female and between the ages of 25-45? If so and not on the other side of the world, maybe! 🤣
Yes to all the rest although I’d argue FDR was a social democrat and not a socialist.
I still don’t understand why they beg me for money when they have their good billionaires dicks to suck instead.
I’ll never forgive Bernie for selling out my info to the democrat party.
Socialism has been the only thing to give the US a run for its money.
People are conditioned to think “Capitalism must be good because I have infinite selection of infinite consumption!” While justifying the exploitation of the third world workers.
What’s funny is even that is a ruse and not true. Go to any chain supermarket and your options will be derived from a tiny handful of massive conglomerates. Even the produce and deli section! It’s not infinite selection, it’s infinite marketing.
Colonialism was about exploiting the external realms for resources and concentrating the wealth into one spot. For a while, the American peasantry benefitted and got comfy. Now that fascism is here, all that wealth will be further concentrated and they/we become the exploited ones.
Capitalism ran out of foreign resources to exploit and is now going after the imperial core. The 2008 crash and especially the aftermath is the start of that IMO. And that aftermath was entirely bipartisan with Obama stuffing his cabinet with Goldman Sachs people.
Democrats can’t seem to draw the line between that action and trumps election and reelection.
I agree with your overall comment but this reeks of “you participate in capitalism therefore you have no right to criticize” nonsense
Every bleeding heart compassionate liberal has at least one phone/iPad/laptop/etc. All of them -all of us- benefitting from the exploitation of people we’ll never have to look in the eye as they die from heavy metal poisoning.
Capitalism is coercive by design. It’s almost impossible to function without a smart phone let alone a cellphone these days.
You legally have to wear clothes when you’re outside (except VT). Nearly all clothes are produced in sweatshops with slave labor like conditions.
You have to eat. Nearly all food is harvested by exploited or worse workers.
That farm equipment and fertilizer? Crude oil says hello. Oh what’s that? We need cheap oil? Time for another forever war in the Middle East to “spread democracy” aka steal national wealth and assets.
A lifetime of neoliberalism and anti left propaganda will do that