Fuck Ubisoft. For every hour of Ubisoft you play, I’m going to play two hours of indie games.
My gender is my concern, but you may use any pronoun to refer to me
Fuck Ubisoft. For every hour of Ubisoft you play, I’m going to play two hours of indie games.
If you don’t like how I talk, I guess we’re done here, because I don’t accept your terms. Be reassured at least there was no mal-intent.
Like, fuck.
Do you agree you have a debt to creatures you fuck into existence with your own genitalia?
I believe consciousness is a primarily intracellular, not intercellular process; though it does seem cells synchronize, even across organisms. I believe every cell thinks, but nerve cells are more specialized. This isn’t just what I choose to believe, we have significant and growing evidence that this is the case. And it is clear, many parts of the body think, when you consider the extremely sophisticated tasks it performs without your conscious thought or engaging the brain at all, even though computation and perhaps even reasoning is required.
You are taking “replace Twitter” as an endorsement, when in reality it was intended as a condemnation.
how is it so difficult to separate art from the artist?
Can you have art without an artist? Can you have an artist without art? No. Art is a human expression. It comes from a person. AI art might be technically accomplished but it only says something when a human is in control of the AI. You can just kind of tune out that aspect of a work of art and try to enjoy it divorced from its act of creation, its context, the artist’s intentions, etc, but in doing so you are effectively censoring the art and not engaging with it on its own terms. The artist is an integral part of the work.
There is another interpretation. Calm down.
I took a look at your link. I find it reprehensible, and exactly what I mean when I say the left is incapable of having compassion and mercy. This charity is exactly the sort of thing people use to psychologically enable themselves to continue torturing animals rather than changing their behaviour.
Well, I didn’t say all animals, I said the ones we create. When you create an individual, the act places you in that individuals debt. You don’t own them, you owe them. We have a duty not to harm all individuals on Earth so far as we can help it, but we have far greater responsibilities to those individuals that we bring into existence. There is no difference, morally, between forcing a child and forcing an animal to exist.
Have you ever completed a personal project?
There’s no nuance to the left… as compared to the right?
Intelligence and stupidity have nothing to do with each other. He can do stupid things out of pride, narcissism, etc., and still be an otherwise intelligent person.
The animals we create are morally entitled to the exact same unconditional love and protection as our own children. Leftists practice tolerance but they’re not really willing to go as far as actual compassion, empathy, and mercy. A lot of the things they tolerate, they should not.
welcome to my hell of almost 50 years
No. Because your vendor has locked you in and conditioned you for so long. They intentionally make this transition difficult. But once you’ve done it once, it’s easy to do it as many times as you need.
When I think “unix-like” I think, “everything is a file, configurations are human-readable, executables do one simple thing and combine to perform complex operations”
Yes, ablism is a recurring issue I encounter every day.
At least you’ll be out while you’re still young