Y’all aren’t gonna believe this but the guy used electricity in various ways while planning the attack.
Y’all aren’t gonna believe this but the guy used electricity in various ways while planning the attack.
It’s important to keep a sustained elevated heart rate. So just take your stimulants with a couple of energy drinks.
“Maybe if you tell me the bad news in a good way, it won’t sound so bad.”
At some point I need to migrate off Hyper-V. Probably to Proxmox.
Ugh. I don’t wanna.
You would think being THE place that’s known almost exclusively as a career stepping stone in tech would set off some alarm bells in the c-suite. Then again, narcissists and sociopaths aren’t exactly introspective. It’s probably just easier to keep pretending that everyone else is the problem.
Corporate: “We need better CoLlAbOrAtIoN.”
Also Corporate: Crams a bunch of people who don’t work together in an office where they spend all their days on Zoom meetings
I would like to once again thank the motion picture and recording industry associations for their contributions to both the sophistication of media piracy and the quality of content.
Without their efforts, we would probably all still be playing Russian Roulette on Limewire for a low quality copy of Zoolander. The first person to record a movie on Betamax would probably shit themselves if they could have seen what could be accomplished with some arrogance, incompetence, and blind greed. There’s no doubt that you guys are the real MVP when it comes to promoting media piracy.
The anti-piracy industry couldn’t be more Mickey Mouse if it were run by the Marx Brothers.
This kind of highlights the difference between correlation and causation.
The root cause of ADHD is not currently fully understood but it’s unlikely that it’s a vitamin B deficiency. People with ADHD also routinely have an iron deficiency in their brains during childhood – which scientists theorize could be a contributing factor – as well as a genetic anomaly, which appears to be hereditary. It’s still not known if either of those things actually causes ADHD. Unfortunately, by the time symptoms are present, the damage is already done.
Taking vitamin B supplements won’t necessarily hurt any but I don’t know that it would help much either, outside of giving you an energy boost.
Alcohol. Before getting formally diagnosed and medicated, drinking was the only thing that would quiet the inner restlessness. It worked but it’s not a healthy lifestyle at all.
This is something I like to bring up to people who are hesitant to medicate their kids. Yeah, I know you think Timmy is fine because he’s not completely failing in school, but you should at least show Timmy that he has options and that it’s OK to talk to a doctor and take medication if he needs it. He doesn’t have to rely on Jack Daniels and Folgers to eek his way through life.
He also had a drivers license. Basically state sponsored terrorism.