meow im a catboy nya~~ :3
linux user and chronic boykisser uwu
cute trans boy wans snugs ><
its like a four person team or somethinh meow, stuff like this just happens on smaller independent distros (plus if u want u can copy the pkg definition an build it urselfs)
meow? void linux is rolling release so news is slower, like arch is meows
package relaeses are in a different place meow
im a bit curious about the cjoice of gtk2 over 3 or 4, but im too eepy sleepy to look deeper rn ill do that later meows >w<
i tjink is supposed to be like cat batting things off table meow, cuzz there thibgs that say cats are autistics
i think yhere is a void usrr repository thjng aroind somewhere, but also maintaining a distros package repository is not something u simply onboard more people, there has to be trust and accountability to make sure malware isnt being packagesd to users meow
also the aur is run under archs infrastructure so there is a little bit of single point meows